• Day, Date, Month

    February 2010
    S M T W T F S
  • What I said before

events keep turning…

So we talked to Spencer (and Griffin) about Debbie’s current status. Spencer did not get it at first he was thinking he was an Uncle…after I backed the story up and told him that he and the new baby would share a birthmom in Debbie he got it…so then she will be my half sister. It sinks in.  Since then not another word about it…I assume this is the processing time. Could be awhile that is ok.

Poor Oma and Opa. Opa has a should injury that has kept him from work for nearly 3 weeks now. Oma is the only working one for them at this time. I think that they are OK financially for themselves.  I am confident that there is no wiggle room in their budget for a child and her BF to move back home and have a baby. They are over 55 and I am sure that raising a baby is not in the cards either. Especially if Opa can’t even lift his arm from his side. I feel so many things for them right now.

Debbie is so confident that this is a great thing and that she can raise this baby and that she and BF will be together forever.  Part of being disabled, her maturity level kind of halted at 15 and she is in her early 30’s. I feel so many things for her too…her desire to be a full time mom…and all the normalcy that goes with that.  What she doesn’t have is the ability to carry through with that desire in a safe and productive way.  Debbie likes to sleep 18 hours a day. She likes to lounge around and talk on the phone all day and night. She like to surf the internet at 2 AM…

So if your the praying kind please say a prayer that God will guide her to the right decision for her baby. I do not now what that is…only He does. If your not the praying kind…then a few positive thoughts for a uneventful birth and health and happiness for all…

One Response

  1. wow debi. i haven’t checked your blog in a few weeks and just now saw this.

    praying for this situation right now.

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